An adaptation of the iconic fashion designer’s Paris expo “L’Asie rêvée d’Yves St. Laurent” is currently on show at the Musée des Arts Asiatiques in Nice
As if August wasn’t already hot enough in the South of France, the legendary American singer/songwriter will be cranking up the heat a few more notches in Nice and Marseille
Lenny Kravitz cannot get enough of the French Riviera - after highlighting the jazz festival in Juans-les-pins this summer, he plays the Nikaia in Nice next May
After a few tumultuous years, Azurean theatres have (re)defined their identities. The result: an extraordinarily rich and interesting programme all around
This summer, the Musée d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain (MAMAC) in Nice presents the works of Irene Kopelman, an Argentinian artist who likes to explore exceptional ecosystems, where she seeks to understand the mechanisms of the living world.
According to Franco Fontana “the purpose of art is to make visible the invisible.” And with his photographs, he does just that, taking ordinary everyday scenes and turning them into striking, colourful landscapes.