Gaële Boghossian and Paulo Correia’s theatre company is renowned for thought-provoking, boundary-pushing productions. But their latest oeuvre may be their finest one yet.
400 years after the greatest French playwright’s birth, adaptation of his plays abound. But few are as original – and timely – as the one that Collectif La Machine presents at Anthéa right now
When two of the region’s best theatre makers team up to honour Jean de La Fontaine’s 400th birthday, and invite two brilliant musicians to the stage, expect no less than a masterpiece!
The accomplished artist and co-founder of Collectif 8 shares her experience during lockdown, her fear of 1984 becoming a reality, and her hope for a better tomorrow
After a few tumultuous years, Azurean theatres have (re)defined their identities. The result: an extraordinarily rich and interesting programme all around
The region’s four leading theatres - TNN, Anthéa, TDG, and TFG - have radically different programmes in store this year, with their directors’ signature clearly legible on each one.