The 2nd annual Pink Ribbon Monaco Walk 2013 took place on Sunday morning under the somewhat grey skies of the Principality.

There was a great turnout for the Pink Ribbon Monaco Walk today, despite the threat of rain, which thankfully held off. The walk left from Port Hercule, following a 4km route through La Condamine, passing by Place d’Armes, continuing up to the Place du Palais in Monaco Ville, and back down by the Oceanographic Museum to the Port once again.

Everyone who supported the event, women, men, children, dogs, was decked out in pink, with some very interesting costumes on display! Of course, the Riviera Buzz team was there in force too, and here are some photographs to give you a flavour of the atmosphere, and get you primed for the 2014 walk!

We must also pass on our heartiest congratulations to Natasha Frost and her Pink Ribbon Monaco team who did a fantastic job in organising and running the event – well done ladies!

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco

Many turned up for the Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco

More participants from the Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco

And they're off! The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 goes through Monaco

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco at the Place du Palais

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco leaves Place du Palais

Happy St. Patrick's Day! The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco speeches

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco - the Minister speaks!

The Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 in Monaco - one of the great prizes!

All photographs © Riviera Buzz


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