The International Club of the Riviera, in association with its partners, presents the annual International Media Seminar in Nice this March.
Almost a traditional event now on the local calendar, the 4th Annual International Media Seminar takes place on Wednesday the 27th of March, at 6pm in the Promenade des Anglais offices of the Bank Populaire Côte d’Azur in Nice. The event is once again organised by the International Club of the Riviera, this time in association with the Riviera Business Club, and the Bank Populaire Côte d’Azur.
The chosen topic for the evening this time around is ‘The Media as a Weapon – How the Media touches, changes and influences every aspect of our lives – Business, Politics, Social & Personal – for better or for worse‘.
The moderator for the evening will be Nick Danziger, who will also be giving a keynote address, before some lively discussion and debate between the invited expert panel, made up from selected local media personalities, and the audience.
There will be a buffet dinner immediately after the seminar, where you will be able to continue the debate, and pick the brains of the panel!
All proceeds from the evening will go to the theme charity of the International Club, Arogya Agam, who help children affected and infected with HIV/AIDS in India.
Further information is available on the ICR website, where you may also reserve your place for the seminar. Closing date for receipt of bookings is Monday, 25th March 2013.
Bank Populaire Côte d’Azur
457, Promenade des Anglais
06200 Nice
Tel: 04 89 81 12 08
Lead image credit: woodoo007 / 123RF Stock Photo
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