It seems any excuse is good enough to crack open a bottle of bubbly whether it’s for a special occasion or just to celebrate life in general. (more…)...
Le Banthai in Vieux Nice offers an authentic Thai experience, completely immersing its patrons in the spices and flavours of south-east Asia. (more…)...
For lovers of chocolate, the Salon du Chocolat is holding its third annual exhibition on the Côte d’Azur in the heart of Monaco this October. (more…)...
It may be the capital of the French Riviera, but Nice does boast a very healthy choice when it comes to international cuisine, including tapas. (more…)...
Oenocellar allows you to track the market value of your wine collection and instantly access global availability of specific wines and vintages. (more…)...
No matter where you find yourself this Thursday, you won’t be lost for options to celebrate the big event: le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé! (more…)...
Everyone's favourite cookie and cupcake shops in Nice, Emilie's Cookies, is expanding its empire with a new outlet coming this December in Monaco. (more…)...