Sumptuous Events, the destination wedding and event planners based in Paris, has arrived on the Côte d’Azur, to make your dreams a reality!

Jean Charles Vaneck is a talented party consultant, and one of the few male wedding and event planners in France. He runs Sumptuous Events Paris, and has now arrived on the French Riviera.

He recently took some time out of his hectic schedule to sit down with us for a chat.

Hello Jean Charles, and thank you for taking the time to talk with Riviera Buzz! So, to start off, tell us how did Sumptuous Events Paris begin?

I feel that many of my previous life experiences have lead me to what I am doing today. As far as I can remember I had always enjoyed planning vacations, weekends and activities for all my friends and family.

Having worked in the luxury hospitality and music industry for several years gave me the opportunity to be a part of many fashion and corporate events, putting these skills together with being educated in the wedding and event planning industry, along with the legalization of same-sex marriages in France in 2013 was another motivation to start this amazing, rewarding and humbling adventure that has been Sumptuous Events to date.

Sumptuous Events Paris

You have travelled and worked in many parts of the world. How have these experiences influenced you in your line of work for wedding and event planning?

The world is a beautiful and inspiring place with lessons to learn everywhere and has helped sharpen my vision of beauty and elegance. When you consistently work with different individuals, teams, cultures and customs you have no choice but to adapt very quickly to changes that may need to be made, that is the key skill I have learned working in the event planning industry. Overall, you realize no matter where you go we are all looking for the same one thing, to give love and receive love!

On May 18, 2013, same-sex marriage became legal in France. I understand you are one of the first, if not the only qualified gay wedding planner in France. How has that made a difference in your work with not only straight clientele but also same-sex partners?

The idea of having an agency that is focused solely on same-sex weddings was quickly abandoned, simply because I don’t think there are that many differences between gay and straight couples, everyone should get equal attention and service. Love definitely has no label!

Do you find requests by your straight and same-sex clients differ? Or does love know no boundaries?

From my experiences so far, in a straight wedding, the groom-to-be is not always involved in the complete wedding planning process, whereas with a same sex couple they sometimes come to us with a selection of collected images and already have more of a total idea in mind in of what they expect.

That is why I believe at Sumptuous Events we can share the same visions of extravagance and perfection for both straight and same-sex clients. We have just found with a same-sex wedding it is not only the union of two people, there is an emotional impact involved due to the political and equality background that has taken place in the past and even now to an extent.

Love has no boundaries and our job is to teach that concept to the world and for the next generation.

The Côte d’Azur is known worldwide as a romantic travel and luxury destination. Do you think it is part of a natural progression for your business services to expand to the region for both straight and same-sex partners?

We have had a lot of interest already for those wanting to set up a romantic proposal, wedding, anniversary and also honeymoons, the location obviously plays a very big part in the beauty of and event and it was a natural progression to want to expand our services for both straight and gay clients to celebrate their love in the Côte d’Azur! The region is one of the most beautiful places with private beaches, stunning vistas and luxury private villas.

Many people from overseas would like to get engaged, married or have their honeymoon in the region. Are you able to provide advice and work with clients from overseas, from such places as North America?

It seems natural for people from all parts of the world to want to choose France and our gorgeous locations, so we do focus on being a full destination wedding service, sometimes it makes me feel like a French Ambassador!

It’s wonderful to see all the guests fly in to the same location for the wedding couple and spend time together with a weekend full of festivities! Most of our overseas clients tend to originate from the United States and Asia at this time, and since I have lived in those countries it is easier to understand their cultures and therefore needs. I feel very proud to show them everything I can that makes up France.

With all the beauty the Côte d’Azur has to offer, do you find inspiration in these types of surroundings and how does that help your clients?

I was born in the South of France so I can certainly appreciate and love the luxury side of the Côte d’Azur mixed with the tranquility of the surrounding nature. They can be big contrasts but also excellent elements to play with when it comes to preparing an event.

And we should let everyone know you also have plenty of experience producing corporate and cultural events. Are you looking forward to local opportunities with say the Cannes Film Festival and Monaco Grand Prix and other possible projects?

The good thing about Paris, and just like New York, is the saying if you can make it there, you can certainly make it anywhere. We are constantly looking for the right people to partner with that share our good taste, positive vision and who are well-regarded in their industry.

I have in the past assisted on several projects during the Cannes Film Festival and we have a few surprises coming this year that will include the fashion industry and the Monaco Grand Prix.

Sumptuous Events
Your portfolio of work is beautiful and impressive! It will be exciting to see how you will be making a couple’s wedding day in the region special and memorable. And I’m sure with all your event planning experience, the parties in the area are about to get that much more spectacular.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing your work showcased on the French Riviera! 


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All images courtesy Sumptuous Events; lead and first images © Oriel Pe’er, final image © Ben & Hope Photography



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