A pink wave rolled onto the streets of the Principality Sunday morning in support of the 5th annual Pink Ribbon Monaco walk.
Among the walkers, there were many women and children, a few men and even some dogs. Some wore pink hats, others pink tutus. Some came with their families, others with groups of friends. Some were survivors, others were walking for a loved one who lost the fight or is currently fighting the disease. But whatever their reasons for participating, they all believed it was important to provide hope to people facing this terrible illness.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, comprising 16% of all female cancers. When detected at an early stage, it can usually be cured, but the chances of survival decrease rapidly as the tumour spreads. It is for this reason that information and early detection can save lives.
While Pink Ribbon is a worldwide campaign, Pink Ribbon Monaco, which was founded in the Spring 2011, remains an independent charity, whose main mission is, and has always been, spreading awareness to newer and safer screening methods and especially to prevention, by introducing and explaining how a healthier lifestyle can help prevent cancer and help the healing process. The organization also educates people on the necessity to create an environment where women who have found a lump in their breast do not have to wait too long to have a biopsy or receive treatment.
Pink Ribbon Monaco focuses its actions on the region, and the 30€ paid by the participants to the walk will help the organization achieve the following goals:
* Work and assist the Centre de Dépistage du CHPG (Hopital Princesse Grace Screening Centre) led by Dr Daniel Rouison, part of the Ministry of Health and Social affairs
* Organise informative Q&A conferences in Monaco
* Organise further awareness campaigns and events
* Illuminate various Monegasque landmarks in October, during international breast cancer awareness month.
All photographs © Florence Dubosc
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