Twelve photos, twelve themes, twelve hours!! Would you be up for the challenge?? 200 keen photographers certainly were on Saturday in Nice.
The 8th annual NicePhotoMarathon was held on Saturday June 8th from 9am – 9pm organized by J. Jerrik and his team from JJ Photo in Old Nice. The rules of the contest were simple – advance €20 subscription, register by 9am on the day, collect your memory card, Tram pass, and T shirt, check back to base at 1pm and 5pm to get your card stamped, and then return by 9pm with your 12 final shots on the memory card sequentially in the order that the themes were released – no cropping, no photoshopping, no alterations of any kind…
Simple right?? Well certainly the organization was simple – smooth and efficient, fun and friendly, but the themes themselves were far from simple, and immediately set up a real testing challenge for the day (especially for an Anglophone like me struggling with the subtle nuances, double-meanings and connotations of the French language!!)
Here they are in the order they were announced (1-4 at 9am, 5-8 at 1pm, and 9-12 at 5pm)
1) Abstraction
2) Sixties
3) Pilier de Bar
4) Degun
5) Double Face
6) Grosse Chaleur
7) Rituel
8) Decadrage
9) Trainee(s)
10) Le monde a l’envers
11) Recreation
12) Mon numero de participation
For those of you who may be struggling a little like me, “pilier du bar” is a barfly (who had to be found at 11am in the morning), “degun” is Niçois slang for “personne” (nobody), “decadrage” is where the main subject is outside the frame, “grosse chaleur” does have a sexual connotation of being “hot” and “trainee” as well as meaning a trail or track, is also slang for prostitute!! The last theme had me completely stumped as my number of participation was 1832, and the best I could come up with at the end of a long day was a very literal close-up of a Vélo Bleu bike lock! But, I do have to say that the level of challenge did really get the brain working, and enhanced a really fun but tiring day…
I am sure that there were some really interesting and creative photographs produced on the day, and the best will be displayed at the artspace MUSEAAV from Thursday June 27th when the winners will also be announced at 6.30pm and awarded with their prizes. So, if you are a budding photographer, and keen to participate in NicePhotoMarathon 2014 why not go and take a look?? Remember, as a participant, you will certainly get the T shirt!
JJ Photo
2, descente du Marché
06300 Nice
Tel: 04 93 80 06 18
16 Place Garibaldi
06300 Nice
All photographs © Catherine Bardrick
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