A new three day festival by and for the hearing-impaired at Espace Magnan helps the hearing-impaired and hearing-abled to better understand each other
Movies and theatres are not typically the kind of hangout you would expect to find the deaf or hard-of-hearing. Yet, there is a surprisingly diverse and high-quality artistic offering for this community, and Espace Magnan is training the spotlight on it in a first festival of its kind from May 12 through 14. From offsite guided visits to exhibits, films, bilingual French/Sign Language initiation classes, clown ateliers, African dance and much, much more.
Open to an audience of all ages and abilities, the three day extravaganza with an action-packed programme seeks to connect the hard-of-hearing and hearing-abled communities, and create mutual understanding. French sign language interpreters are therefore at hand for all events.
Friday, 12th May
10.00 h: (offsite) Guided visit to Confiserie Florian (in French sign language)
14.15 h: Lectures and short films for the young audience
19.00 h: Les Mots du Silence, vernissage and photo exhibit of deaf artist Jennifer Lescouët
20.00 h: Sourd toujours, Jef’s one-man-show
Saturday, 13th May
14.00 h: Film “L’Enfance Sourde“, followed by a meeting with filmmaker/director Brigitte Lemaine
15.00 h: First Aid class for ADULTS, held by the Caserne Magnan firefighters and EMTs, sign-interpreted (3 hours)
16.00 h: Sign language initiation class for the hearing-abled
20.00 h: Concert Cinematik Slam Signé, Lhomé – rap, slam, and sign language all rolled into one
Sunday, 14th May
14.00 h: First Aid class for CHILDREN, held by the Caserne Magnan firefighters and EMTs, sign-interpreted (3 hours)
15.00 h: Clown Atelier for adults, presented by Nicolas Houssin, one of the best French clowns and acrobats
16.00 h: Signing with and for babies and young children
16.00 h: African dance atelier for teens and adults, because music is for everyone…
16.00 h: Presentation of four short films, including award-winning Disparitions, and pre-première of La Coupe Ouitube, selected to participate in the 2017 Sourd Métrage Film Festival
17.30 h: Closing ceremony, film presentation, and clown show.
An ambitious project, a laudable initiative, and a rich programme… a wonderfully inclusive way to build bridges in an increasingly divided society. So do listen to us when we recommend you to go and participate!
Espace Magnan
Centre Culturel & Sportif
31 Rue Louis de Coppet
06000 Nice
Tel: +33 4 93 86 28 75
Lead image by Jeremy Segrott from Cardiff, Wales, UK [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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