Have you ever felt unsafe in the streets, beleaguered by unwanted attention at a bar, or threatened by a domestic partner? Here’s a lifeline to keep in your back pocket.

All across France, you may have noticed stickers appearing on the doors of restaurants, bars, shops, pharmacies, and other frequently visited public locations: “Demandez Angela” . If you have never faced an uneasy or even dangerous situation, count yourself fortunate. For anyone else, read on – this information could save your life.

Violence is on the rise, affecting people from all walks of life and in every imaginable setting. You might be a young woman on a night out, unable to shake off someone who won’t take No for an answer. Or perhaps the person you live with – and who you should be able to trust the most – makes you fear for your safety at home. Maybe you are a nurse returning from a late shift, an elderly person with reduced mobility, or just out running your errands…

Violence targets anyone – women, men, transgender persons, young or old – and can take many forms, from verbal and sexual harassment to robbery, domestic aggression, and worse. Compounding the problem is isolation: many victims hesitate to speak out or take protective measures due to fear or shame.

Logo Angela, courtesy LOBA advertising agency

Official campaign sticker, created by IcARUS Innovation; shared under CC BY-NC 4.0

That is why cities all across France, including on the French Riviera, have been rolling out an initiative to intervene directly. The next time you feel uneasy, look around: wherever you see a Demandez Angela sticker on a door or window – with regional visual variations – you will know there is a safe haven. All you need to do is step inside and discreetly use the codeword “Angela” in a question, such as, “Is Angela here today?” or “Have you seen Angela recently?” This signals staff to assist you in leaving the threatening situation safely and without drawing attention.

Participating venues receive specialised training to ensure they respond appropriately and non-confrontationally. Depending on the situation, they might call a taxi, escort you to safety, provide temporary shelter, or contact the authorities.

Emma Watson HeFroShe event courtesy UN
This campaign, which originated in Lincolnshire, England, in 2016 under the name “Ask for Angela”, uses an approachable, relatable name to avoid suspicion. France adopted the initiative as part of its commitment to combating violence and harassment, with support from organisations like the United Nations’ HeForShe campaign, founded in 2014 by Emma Watson, French-born British actor and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador.

Venues in and around Nice wishing to join the programme can contact the City for relevant information. The training is designed not only to protect potential victims but also ensures the safety of staff at participating venues.

Let’s hope you never need Angela. But the next time you are out and something feels off, don’t hesitate. Look for the “Demandez Angela” sticker and trust that help is just a question away. That said, we all at RIVIERA BUZZ wish you a happy and safe New Year!

Useful National Helplines in France:

• 17: Police emergency line
• 15: Medical emergencies
• 3919: Hotline for violence against women

another grey line

Lead image courtesy of Axelle Truquet, Nice Matin, © Maxppp – Franck Fernandes; photo of Emma Watson at HeForShe event courtesy United Nations on Flickr, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; all other photos as credited

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