Where can I find the First Romanian Comedienne, learn all about Body Language, and look at strategies to help Fight Depression?
Quite simply go to three different places. Oh, you don’t want to do that, so what are your options? There is one option, and that’s to attend the next great HPN event at the Ellington Hotel on Thursday, the 18th April. You heard right, all three subjects will be covered.
The world and his brother thinks that the Holistic Professionals Network is only for alternative practices such as Yoga, Meditation, Reiki and so on. Yes, BUT absolutely NO. Yes, there are many alternative therapists represented there – true. It doesn’t stop there at all, since it really is a networking group, bringing together all sorts of small businesses on the Côte d’Azur to share experiences and to do business together as a mutual aid and network.
It gets better, as you have a chance to say what you do, thereby expanding your contacts database in one place. Even better, you can then learn how to develop your business by understanding how to read body language, for example! The body language will be the subject of Beverley’s discussion.
Now where does the Romanian comedienne come in? Well, Adina Rusu (see lead image) was the first comedienne entering an exclusively male comedy scene – she changed all that. As comedy is the flip side of depression, she is an expert in using comedy in understanding people’s drivers and equally their demotivators!
All this takes place at the Ellington Hotel and only costs €15! You will be welcome in the bar before and after the event which lasts from 7-9pm. The speakers will be available for further discussion and networking after the event, as will many of your new network pals!! It is FUN!
BTW, a belated Happy Birthday to HPN, one year old in March!
The event is bookable via Meetup or by contacting Beverley via email or by calling or texting 06 47 74 04 03. Find out more about the HPN on their Facebook page.
Hotel Ellington
25, bd. Dubouchage
06000 Nice
Tel: 04 92 47 79 79
All images courtesy and © Mike Colquhoun
Thank you Mike for writing this GREAT article and Iarla for publishing it.
HPN- Thursday April 18th will be a nigh tnot to be missed!
I’ve mete up with Adina a few times and I know everyone will be in for a highly entertaining night! She’s got a great outlook on life and is very enthusiastic, dynamic and passionate!
Thank you for promoting this event Beverley, Mike, Riviera Buzz. Reverence !
It is true: a Romanian is looking forward to share her “not yet revealed” work with English speakers, in France.
How common is that ?
(my love to you all)